Welcome to my Blog Spot!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hi! My name is Wendy Dilbeck. I am a brand new blogger! I am a little nervous about this and am not exactly sure of what I am doing. But nonetheless, I find it exciting!

I am trying to find ways to make more money and thought that I would try this out. I am not very computer literate but they say it's easy so we'll see!

A little background info on me: I was raised in Montgomery, AL by my mother. My mother and father divorced when I was 7. I have 3 sisters. All of whom mean the world to me. My mother did the best she could trying to raise us. Things were crazy growing up in a house full of girls. Some things I blocked from my memory. I can not remember much of being a child. The divorce was not kind to us and I chose not to remember. I hid under my bed a lot.

After the divorce, my mom went a bit crazy. She had just graduated college with a nursing degree and chose to work nights to make more money. She would come home and take us to school. Then she would come back home and sleep until school let out. There were times that we sat there because her alarm did not go off. Quite embarrassing actually.

I helped my mom a good bit. I felt sorry for her. I didn't understand all that had happened. Just knew that she was sad. I took care of my sisters when she could not. They HATED me for it. I helped cook (and often burned things), fixed their hair before school, cleaned, and did yard work.

We all pitched in. But I often felt like my mother was very distant. I felt sad about not being able to give her what she wanted, needed, longed for. The same as any mother! A better life for her children, a wonderful husband and father to her children, a companion.

She put us through private schooling. The thought of public schools in Montgomery scared the mess out of her. Along with that, came the desire to make us fit in like all of the other children there. She gave us as much as she could on a nurses salary and then some. She hated the idea of her girls not being able to have the newest Homecoming shirt or the stylish pair of shoes. She wanted us to have it ALL. In turn, leading to debt. More debt than I care to ever know. Debt turned to stress and stress turned to anger. We were often afraid to come home. My sisters and I. She often took the anger out on us. I understood. It hurt but I understood. If spanking us made her feel better then I was all for it.

My second sister did not feel the same and often lashed out at our mother. Which made her realize what she had done. It would upset her...the way she treated us. When all she ever wanted was to make us feel loved. Loved in a way that 2 parents are to make their children feel. Except, there was only 1 parent.

Sure, dad had every other weekend. But we often spent it with a babysitter. He would buy us things. He thought that was what we wanted. He was wrong but he didn't know it because we were too afraid to tell him. We were afraid of our father. A fear that no child should ever have to feel.

My background could go on for days! But the main thing I have learned from all this is what I want out of life and what I don't want.

I have 4 beautiful children as well. My mother was mad at me at first. Everytime I added a child, it was like she was living her life over again. I got pregnant out of wedlock to a boy I had only been dating for a year. She hated him! Hated that HE had done this to ME. All the blame was on him. It was terrible!

But since then things have gradually gotten better. My husband and I, despite all odds, are still married and have 4 little miracles from God. Ashlyn Kay is 8 years old, Joella "Ella" Alexandra is 5, Brady Daniel is 2, and Cody Bryan is 17 monthes.

I love them dearly! And if not then, now more than ever, do I understand the sacrifices and the love that my mother had for us girls growing up. I would do anything and EVERYTHING for my 4 babies. Sure, it's not at all easy being a mom! But it lines every fiber in my body and makes me who I am and what I stand for.

Which brings me back to what I am doing here today. Trying to find a way to support my babies and give them the things that they need in life to help them thrive to become successful, loving, caring, God-fearing individuals. I want so much for them. What mother does not?

I found this Google website and really wanted to try it out. The best case senario is that I will be able to save money for my children and take care of them in ways a child should be taken care of. There really is no worse case senario. I am just enjoying typing what I feel! So anyways.....here we go!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! I found the link on your facebook page. You could write a book! Seriously your writing is so easy to read, genuine, and simply just flows! Amazing!
